Monday, April 29, 2024

Hogwarts House Quiz

what house am i in harry potter

These determined sea-goats tend towards self-reliance in everything from business to romance. You can't really blame them — few people match their work ethic, and, sadly, plenty are willing to take advantage of it in group settings. But when Capricorns find someone they truly trust, they become devoted to them with Hufflepuff-esque intensity.

Slytherin Trivia

Hogwarts Legacy - Wizarding World

Hogwarts Legacy.

Posted: Thu, 25 Aug 2022 15:50:43 GMT [source]

As the Sorting Hat points out, Harry could have done well in Slytherin. Leos like him are brave, but they're also clever, skilled, and ambitious — the very traits Salazar Slytherin prized in his students. Molly Weasley's brand of courage — expressed in home-cooked meals, stern advice, and fantabulous Christmas gifts — doesn't come as quickly to mind.


The Sorting Hat may linger on instances where the student showcased resourcefulness, determination, and a certain level of ruthlessness in pursuing their goals. Slytherins are not necessarily dark; they are driven by an unapologetic desire for success and recognition. The Sorting Hat, channeling the intentions of Salazar Slytherin, aligns those with the potential for leadership and influence with this house of cunning and ambition. The Sorting Hat, during the sorting process, might explore the student's past experiences where they showcased perseverance and loyalty. It could linger on moments of collaboration, teamwork, and instances where the student demonstrated a commitment to principles that extend beyond personal gain.

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During the sorting process, the Sorting Hat might reflect on the student's curiosity, academic pursuits, and moments where they exhibited a keen intellect. It considers their passion for learning and their openness to different perspectives. The Ravenclaw mind is one that questions, explores, and seeks the deeper meanings behind magic and existence.

what house am i in harry potter

Hufflepuff was founded by Helga Hufflepuff and corresponds to the earth element among the four elements. The symbolic animal is the badger, and the representative colors are black and yellow. Newt Scamander, Pomona Sprout, Cedric Diggory, Hannah Abbott, and other outstanding wizards all graduated here. It not only focuses on the students' magical talents but also on their hard work, dedication, and loyalty. The house’s gentle attitude and silent dedication do not mean that the students it recruits lack talent.

what house am i in harry potter

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The house colours for Slytherin are silver and emerald green and the emblem is a serpent. The Head of House is Professor Severus Snape, and the common room can be found down in the dungeons under the lake (which only adds to the Slytherin air of mystery). If you're a part of this house, then you're independent and value originality. Ravenclaws are curious and intuitive, which make them excellent problem solvers because they're never afraid to try new things or approach a situation in a unique way. You dare to question power and resist oppression, you can quickly accept new things, you are willing to sacrifice for your own beliefs, and you can keep fighting when facing difficulties.

Harry Potter House Quiz

This sign can get so wrapped up in their ideals, they don't realize how disconnected they've become from the actual world — or how unpleasant they seem. Before taking down a troll unites them in "Sorcerer's Stone," Harry and Ron shy away from Hermione, who strikes them (and plenty of other kids) as a snotty know-it-all. She doesn't mean to seem arrogant, she just loves learning that much. Good thing she ends up with friends beside her, who can remind her to step out of the library every once in a while. However, Gemini's bright nature has a dark side, one that many Ravenclaws encounter over the course of the "Harry Potter" series.

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Thus, the Sorting Hat guides those with the potential for profound intellectual contributions to this house of wisdom. Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry sorts its students into four distinct houses, each founded by a remarkable wizard or witch. Once the Sorting Hat's decision is made, you'll have the opportunity to fully embrace your newfound house identity. The magical world of Harry Potter has been enchanting audiences not only through the books but also on the silver screen. Rowling's vision to life, making the Wizarding World even more captivating.


Plus, it determines your Head of House, who provides guidance and support throughout your time at Hogwarts. In the labyrinth of Hogwarts, the Hufflepuff common room is a haven for those whose hearts beat in sync with the values of loyalty, patience, and unwavering determination. Helga Hufflepuff envisioned a house where merit was not confined to brash courage or quick wit but extended to those who toiled with steadfast determination.

It's not affection, nor even adoration — Cancer's love is love, and it comes from knowledge of just how brutal the world can be. Love that knows that sort of fear cannot be stopped, and it's best expressed through action — the Gryffindor watchword. Every birthday cake, hand-knitted sweater, and intense scolding that follows is an act of profound nerve. People who underestimate this do so at great risk — just ask Bellatrix Lestrange, who dies for the crime of threatening Molly Weasley's only daughter. Harry learns this lesson in especially brutal fashion when his Aries-esque decision to save Sirius from the Death Eaters leads to Sirius' death.

And there were pure-bloods in other houses such as Sirius Black, the Weasleys, James Potter I, Neville Longbottom (Gryffindor) and Ernest Macmillan (Hufflepuff). Ravenclaw was founded by Rowena Ravenclaw and corresponds to the wind element among the four elements. The symbolic animal is the eagle, and the representative colors are blue and bronze. Luna Lovegood, Cho Chang, Sybill Trelawney, Filius Flitwick, and other outstanding wizards all graduated here. When selecting students, Ravenclaw tends to choose those who are talented and love learning, especially in terms of academics. In addition, Ravenclaw is an ideal place for those “weird” students who are independent and have an outstanding temperament.

At base, Capricorn's reluctance to let people in comes from the fact that they value connection so highly and pour so much of themselves into their bonds. She knows what it's like to be on the receiving end of this sort of loyalty. Capricorn, born between December 22 and January 19, is among the most hard-working signs in the zodiac.

Emma Watson (aka Hermione) has never taken a test but many fans believe that she would be in Ravenclaw. This is based on her attending and getting a degree from Brown University. In a video on his Youtube channel, Stephen Colbert revealed that JK Rowling messaged him and told him that he belongs in Ravenclaw. He added that Rowling told him that he has undertones of Gryffindor but is a Ravenclaw.

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Hogwarts House Quiz

Table Of Content Slytherin Trivia Sorting Play More Quizzes Harry Potter House Quiz These determined sea-goats tend towards self-relianc...